AllThingsPLC » Blog Archive » Grading Formative and Summative Assessments
Grading formative assessments by DuFour
Joliprint | Print friendly & PDF your blogs and websites
Neat little tool that makes a pdf of a your favorite web article...drops the rest of the junk.
Data-Driven and Off Course : Education Next
Are we perhaps doing a tad of this? Data is great....it helps us focus on what kids need to learn....but let's not lose the forest thru the trees
URL sharing service.
The Answer Sheet - 7 Class size myths -- and the truth
Smaller classes are expensive....but it works. Some reformers looking to cut costs have actually been advocating larger classes to safe time.
Free test creation tool....sends results as CSV too...need to compare to Blackboard which makes disaggregating data so difficult
Best of the EdTech Web 2010 - With Links
Byrne's best of the web....too good not to share (even if I already did so)
Open content for teachers to use
Great site to help you find alterative software packages. Organized by commercial packages...helps you find cheap, free, better alternatives.
Couldn't pass up this funny picture labeled as anti-cheating device
An important update on the future of drop.io | Drop.io Blog
This one really makes me sad. Drop.io (one my favorite tools) has been bought by Facebook and will be shut down in a matter of months. Time to find another large file sharing service.
Going to the hard places | Connected Principals
Moving forward as we all must requires us to sometimes to go to hard places....uncomfortable places. Change hurts sometimes.
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.