Thursday, November 1, 2007

Ongoing Measures as a way to Reach AYP

One more reading article worth looking at (at least for this week) concerns how to use curriculum based measures (addressed above) to meet AYP goals (Determining Adequate Yearly Progress From Kindergarten through Grade 6 with Curriculum-Based Measurement .
Meeting AYP...that is pretty much what we are trying to do….and I think the measures are worth investigating. DIBELS is one of the more widely known CBM systems. The price (in this budget tight times) is certainly right. The measures were developed by the University of Oregon and they have made all materials free upon registration at their site. People don’t realize (I certainly didn’t) that DIBELS measures go up all the way to grade 6. The only thing that costs is the use of the DIBEL website which is what you can use to upload and analyze student scores. The cost is just $1 per year per student and all funds go towards funding growth of the program.

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