Monday, August 3, 2009

2 Million Minutes -- Poll Everywhere results


Anonymous said...

I think we show this at a faculty meeting and "Meet the teacher" night.

Anonymous said...

This video was very informative about our US students values and dedication to their education. I feel it is important for our students to know that students around the whole will be competing for not only their college spots but also jobs in the future.

I have visited Japan and seen their dedication to education. Presently, my daughter living in India shares what was seen in the video.

We must be aware that the US will fall their behind the other powers of the world!

Anonymous said...

I thought this video was very interesting and important for educators, parents, and students. As educators I hope we can live up to our full potential of preparing kids for future technology demands and possibilities. Perhaps today's students need to put more focus on identifying strengths earlier on in their education in order to select a career where they can compete on a global level.